Contractor Insurance

Make sure you’re covered. Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance covers you for any risk associated when providing services as a Contractor.

Contractor Insurance Essentials

Absolute IT’s clients require all our contractors to be insured.

Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance covers you for any risk associated when providing services to Absolute IT and its clients.*  Our policies have been improved so that you are now covered for any claims arising from work you have completed, irrespective of whether you are still contracting to the client concerned.

Absolute IT’s ‘umbrella’ coverage covers you for acts, errors or omissions that result in a financial loss to your/our client, which is caused by products and/or services you have provided. Our insurance is underwritten by NZI and costs $.60 per hour for hourly rate contractors, or $4.80 per day for daily contractors.

Once we have confirmation of your hours/days for the month, your insurance will be deducted and shown in your BCTI invoice on payday, for your accounting records.

Please find a copy of our insurance certificates detailing what you are covered for below:

Call 0800 29 89 99 or email us at to find out more.

*Please refer to your specific policy for full cover information.